Rafael Biriba

Staff Software Developer

Working at -

Lives in Berlin / Germany

From Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

34 years old

15+ years/experience

Talks and Presentations

Aprendendo a programar com Ruby para iniciantes / Basic programming course using Ruby for beginners

Where: Youtube

Video: Youtube Playlist (Portuguese )

Blog post: More info! (Portuguese )

Description: Basic programming course for beginners using Ruby. The idea behind this course is to bring the opportunity to teach programming to beginners, using all the ease that the ruby language offers. Classes are divided into topics, where I explain the basic part with exercises and correction with comments.

Curso básico de programação para iniciantes utilizando Ruby. A idéia por trás desse curso é trazer a oportunidade para ensinar programação para iniciantes, utilizando toda a facilidade que a linguagem ruby oferece. As aulas estão divididas em tópicos, aonde eu explico a parte básica com exercícios e correção comentada.

User Tracking with Google Analytics and how it survives the break of the Globosat Play monolith

Where: RubyConf 2016, São Paulo/Brazil

Trail 1 (Open Floor), 16:30h (Schedule )

Presentation: Slideshare (English )

Video: Youtube (Portuguese )

Description: With user tracking you will be able to know how your user is behaving on the page, what he is doing, in addition to access reports and statistics by google analytics. In this talk, I will show how was the evolution of user tracking (using google analytics), since the break of Globosat Play monolith and how to track the user across multiple systems without repetitions code, centralizing all the tracking logic in one place, monitoring the events and actions in different project pages (services). It will also be addressed part of validations and tests to ensure the proper functioning of all this metrics.

Blue-Green Deployment: entrega contínua e rollback imediato

Where: QCon 2014, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil

Room 6, 12:30 (Schedule )

Presentation: Slideshare (Portuguese )

Video: Infoq website (Portuguese )

Description: Talk about the blue green deploy solution (continuous delivery and instant rollback) used in a lot of projects in globo.com. Read more at cap_blue_green_deploy (github repo)

Blue-Green Deployment: entrega contínua e rollback imediato

Where: FISL 15, Porto Alegre/Brazil


Presentation: Slideshare (Portuguese )

Video: Youtube (Portuguese )

Description: Talk about the blue green deploy solution (continuous delivery and instant rollback) used in a lot of projects in globo.com. Read more at cap_blue_green_deploy (github repo)